Lean on Jesus Christ
Nothing we have is ours, even the very atoms that make up your body is not yours.
It belongs to the Living God

When Man was first created he had a full sweet fellowship with God. He was not afraid of God nor run away from Him. They were innocent & pure not even knowing their nakedness. They don't have shame as they were in perfect glory of God. They were not in labour & toil because God was suffice for them. There was full of love of God, peace, harmony, glory and joy. 

Growing in Grace

Growing in Grace. Series-1

As man disobeyed God, he fall short of the glory of God. They were driven out from the presence of Holy God with curses and also with a promise for redemption from a fallen world. After a patient wait for the promised Saviour by our patriarch, in due time God sent His son Jesus Christ to die for our sins while we were vile sinners, an enemy of God by nature and a children of disobedient. Jesus endured suffering, poured out His blood, suffered and died on the cross and rose again on the third day to forgive our past sin and deliver from our tendency to commit sin so that we can attend our destiny for which God created us i.e. to reconcile with God, to regain fellowship with God, to be innocent & pure, gentle and humble, obedient to God's will.....

Now let's draw before the presence of God with confidence and boldness by the grace of God, demonstrated in Jesus Christ. Let's not depend on personal merit or one's righteousness because our righteousness acts are as filthy as a rag. But let's draw near to God depending on His Righteousness and Faithfulness through the blood of Jesus Christ. Only Jesus is the mediator between God and men. He's our propitiator for sin. Therefore believers of Christ leave the self righteousness and depend on the righteousness of Jesus Christ for Salvation,  deliverance, healing, breakthrough. Because we can never be saved by human efforts, therefore leave the efforts alone and rest in the finished work of Jesus Christ and receive God's gift by faith. In Jesus Christ Name Amen.                       
-Nikcheng Senga Ch. Momin